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Artículos en Ministerio
Participación de la comunidad
PBS Black Issues Forum: LGBTQ in Schools & Protecting Kids' Mental Health

Miembro de la Junta y Tesorero, Encuentro de Líderes
Role of the Black Church

NBC WRAL On the Record: Gentrification, housing and the state of NC's economy
IAF: ONE Wake Proposes Property Tax Relief for Low-Income Residents of Gentrifying Neighborhoods
NBC WRAL Inside Look
ABC11 Covers Local Church’s COVID Vaccination Event at the 6:11 Minute Mark
NBC WRAL: Funding justice: how local community leaders tap into resources to fuel their Work
NBC WRAL: Funding justice: how local community leaders tap into resources to fuel their work
CBS 17: Advocates speak out on potential effect of 'Downtown South' on nearby Raleigh residents
ABC 11: Raleigh churches partner with Food Bank of North Carolina to feed hundreds in need
ABC 11: Hundreds celebrate Ambrose Episcopal Church's 150th Anniversary in Raleigh
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