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Los Posadas at Jubilee Park, Dallas, TX
Jubilee Park Documentary Film
Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony at St. Philip's School, Dallas, TX

Maseno, Kenya

Multicultural Ministry
“Unity in diversity” is one of the symbols for the Ashanti people in Ghana, West Africa. The symbol is of two Siamese crocodiles that share a stomach. The message is that if both crocodiles work together, both live and thrive. If both crocodiles fight, they perish because they share one stomach. The Reverend Jemonde Taylor has a history of ministry in multicultural and cross cultural contexts in living the principle of unity in diversity.
Before seminary, Taylor worked for a French company in French-Clermont-Ferrand, France and spent time with the The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe at Christ Church and the Taizé Community.
He saw the importance of cross cultural ministry while a seminary student. The General Seminary had El Programa Hispano/ Latino (The Hispanic/Latino Program in Theology and Pastoral Ministry). At the time, it was the only Spanish-language program in the Episcopal Church that led to the M.Div. degree. He attended the weekly Saturday Eucharist in Spanish. The communal meal and conversation gave him the opportunity to build relationships with El Programa community. He felt called to field education at Grace/La Gracia Episcopal Church, White Plains, NY for two years. Grace/La Gracia was a multicultural congregation that had members from 19 Spanish speaking countries as well as many members of African Ancestry and European lineage. While a seminary student, Taylor spent time in Western Kenya at St. Philip's Theological College studying the HIV/AIDS ministry and the Mobile Health Clinic. He helped lead two pilgrimages to Ethiopia for Epiphany.
Taylor served as a chaplain at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, a 400 bed and mostly Spanish speaking hospital, where he served the cardiothoracic intensive care unit (CTICU). The hospital served a community with 140 nationalities and 200 languages. His research project was Cultures in Dialogue: Observations between Black and Latino/a Patients at CHLA. Taylor used making Anglican rosaries and principles from Centering Prayer to help children process their emotions.
Father Taylor's began his ordained ministry at St. Michael and All Angels, Dallas, TX as a part of the Lilly Endowment Transition in Ministry (TiM) program. He served as director of young adult ministry at St. Michael, chaplain to Jubilee Park and Community Center, and chaplain at St. Philip's School and Community Center. He used outdoor liturgy such as Las Posadas and Via Dolorosa as a way of evangelism in Jubilee Park, a 62 block, mostly Spanish speaking community. Part of his ministry is highlighted in The Episcopal Church's documentary film, We are Jubilee. St. Philip's School was a Black Episcopal elementary school where Taylor led chapel services, taught a class on spirituality, and used making Anglican rosaries and principles from centering prayer to provide pastoral and spiritual care.
Father Taylor spent a summer in a Spanish immersion certificate program at Instituto Baden Powell in Morelia, Mexico where he studied liturgy in the Spanish context. He made pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City to pray before the image of Our Lady as her feast day is his birthday.
Since arriving at the historically Black St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, Father Taylor continues his ministry in a cultural context through community organizing efforts with the Congress of Latino Voters. He has preached at Beth Meyer Synagogue and ministered with Islamic Center of Dallas and the Islamic Center of Raleigh.
Via Dolorosa, Dallas, TX
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